Wednesday 30 March 2011

William Horner

William Horner was born in 1786 and was a British mathematician and schoolmaster. He invented the Zoetrope in 1834. The Zoetrope was a device to project still images at such a pace to make it look like the images are moving.

The Zoetrope has slits so that the image doesn't become blurred whilst in motion.A problem off the Zoetrope is that it could not have many viewers at one time. This could be a problem compared to todays huge cinema and there screens that can serve many people at one time. 

Pioneers in Animation

I am going to look at the people behind the inventions and how the inventions have developed animation.

. William Horner (Zoetrope)
. Eadweard Muybridge (Zoopraxiscope)
. Joseph plateau (phenakitoscope)
. Emile Reynaud (Praxinoscope)
. Lumiere Brothers (Cinematograph)
. Edison (Kinetoscope)